
A Simple Way to Cut Rice Calories in Half. Internet Hype or Reality?

Woman holding wood spoon to scoop steamed rice from rice cooker

You may have seen a recent research study showing you can cut the number of calories in your rice in half using a quick cooking tip is not only healthier for you but tastes pretty good. However, there’s always some skepticism when it comes to these Internet sensations. Is that warranted here, too, or are we discussing a revolution in how we eat rice?

The Research

You’ll be happy to know sound research is behind this claim of cutting rice calories in half. And no, it does not revolve around smaller portions. Instead, it is based on how the rice is prepared. The researchers at the College of Chemical Sciences in Sri Lanka figured out that adding just a teaspoon of coconut oil to boiling water while cooking about half a cup of rice creates a chemical reaction that converts some of the digestible starch into the resistant kind – the latter cannot be fully digested by the human body and therefore does not contribute to calories absorbed by the body. However, there’s a catch. After the rice is cooked, you’ll have to refrigerate it for at least 12 hours to activate this chemical process of amylose leaving the grain, reducing the calories.

If you’re worried you will have to eat cold rice from now on, never fear! The researchers also showed that this new chemical composition remains even when the rice is reheated. So, while it won’t be same-day fresh, it will still taste great when you warm it up the next day.

Does This Mean Rice Is Now a Go-to Dish After Bariatric Surgery?

The short answer is that it may be. However, we must talk about a few key points.

You must consume enough protein before moving on to your rice and other carbs. Rice is filling, especially in a smaller stomach after a bariatric procedure. This change in rice and composition might help you eat fewer calories and get plenty of fiber. But are you getting enough protein? If you’re overeating rice, the answer is likely no.

With that said, if you genuinely enjoy your rice, this new cooking method is potentially a great way to have your cake and eat it, too.

Of course, everything must be enjoyed in moderation, including this new and exciting rice preparation. If you have any questions, please speak to our team for more information and advice.

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