Summer time can feel a bit daunting after a major lifestyle change like bariatric surgery. For most people, summer comes with disrupted schedules, routines out of sorts, and the familiar gatherings with tempting treats, drinks, and community. There is also the added stress for some of more revealing clothing, which can we difficult for a changing body.
With all of that, it is fair to say summer time can make it hard to stay on track. Fortunately, we have a few tips to hopefully make it easier.
Some summer classics come with a whopping calorie count, like ice cream and popsicles. Try a different frozen treat like frozen fruit, which provides natural versus added sugars and still contains a nice boost of fiber. DIY Popsicle kits available at the local store can make chopped fruit feel more like that firecracker bomb pop you’ve got your eye on. Avoid the purée option as you’ll lose more of the valuable fiber component. If you do indulge in a treat that is less than ideal, don’t beat yourself up, but be aware of smarter potions and
Another favorite swap is Greek Yogurt for dips – sweet or savory. This versatile ingredient has a higher dose of protein than sour cream or premade dressings and dips. Swap raw or dehydrated veggies for chips or crackers and enjoy.
There are also so many summery foods to take advantage of that are naturally low in calories and packed with nutrients. Think grilled…from shrimp to zucchini. Many fresh vegetables are also in peak season, so take advantage of local farmers’ markets for fresh picked flavor. If you need to kick up the flavor a notch, search for sauces that are low in sugar and fat.
If you have kids out of school or regular daycare who need something to do, take advantage of the extra time to help educate them about health and wellness as well. Explore the local farmers market or grocery and discuss the tastes and benefits of different foods and drinks. Try new things together and explore food in new ways. You can even invite your kids to safely help you prep meals and snacks.
Beyond food, try new activities together as well. No sitter to hit the gym on your own? Home workouts can pack a punch and you can include the kids. Try Zumba with the kids dancing right beside you counting along with your reps, you can make it fun “together” time where they feel like a part of your healthy lifestyle. You can also take an outing to try a different activity as a family like hiking or walking in a park or by the water. It’s a great way to bond and make memories along the way too.
Stuck at swim lessons for an hour? Ask if you can use a corner of the pool yourself. Water aerobics is well loved for being easy on the joints and it keeps you cool while you’re working hard.
If you have mermaid children that want to spend the entire summer at the pool, don’t sit and bake in the sun on the deck. Dive in and make the most of the time. Play a game with your family in the water or simply tread water in the deep end while your kids say “watch this!” for the 53rd time. If you can take your eye off the kids a bit more, you could maybe even multitask poolside, reading while you kick your legs in the water.
If the pool doesn’t suit you, opt in for other activities you might normally spend time watching or sitting out on like biking or walking while the kids ride scooters or bikes. If you’re spectating at little league, walk the track or bleachers while your player isn’t in the spotlight.