Archives: January 2025

Should Spouses Have Bariatric Surgery Together?

Couple walking while looking at each other and smiling

When it comes to family, we often want to do everything together, and when it comes to bariatric surgery, it’s usually no different. Bariatric patients embark on significant lifestyle changes and a massive departure from their previous lives. For a spouse, this may be very daunting, and many patients question whether they should have bariatric surgery together with their significant other, not only to experience the same transformation but also to live through the same experiences – both the ups and the downs. Further, many couples have similar weight-related concerns – in other words, if one partner is obese, the other is more likely to be as well.

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Supporting Your Partner After Their Bariatric Procedure

Man holding both of woman's hands together

The decision to choose bariatric surgery is significant and comes with many fears and doubts along with excitement for a new life and future. Because of these ups and downs, we stress to each patient they need a support system beyond our practice. While we are happy to field questions and help them through the more significant issues that affect post-op bariatric patients, they also need day-to-day support from loved ones, including family and friends. Therefore, as a spouse or partner, how can you help your significant other in their bariatric journey?

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3 Mobile Infirmary Cir, Suite #212,
Mobile, AL 36607